10 Unique Ideas to Make Money with ChatGPT

So here we are, at the dawn of the AI revolution. Well, it was nice knowing you all.


At least ChatGPT can’t replicate sarcastic humor quite yet. But it can do a lot of things well, and you can use it to make yourself quite a bit of money.

So here are 10 unique ideas that you can take to go make yourself money with ChatGPT:

Number 1: Build a chatbot

If you’re a developer or have experience in building chatbots, you could build a chatbot using the ChatGPT API and sell it to businesses.

Chatbots are perhaps one of the most useful inventions of all time for large corporations that service consumers. Why? Because they eliminate the need for them to hire customer service reps and to actually get yelled at on the phone. If the chat bot can answer enough questions that the customer is happy enough to stop complaining, then that business counts it as a win.


The problem is that most of the chatbots cost hundreds of thousands of dollars!

ChatGPT, however, costs absolutely nothing. So you could use ChatGPT to have the power of a multibillion-dollar corporation on your business’s website.

Number 2: Content creation

ChatGPT can assist with generating ideas and writing content for blog posts, social media, and marketing materials that could be sold as a service.

This is probably the best idea for making money with ChatGPT, and many people are already doing this.

Here’s a real-life example: Buzzfeed announced that they would start using ChatGPT in their writing process, and their stock went up 70% that same day.

Check it out

Number 3: Language translation

ChatGPT can translate text from one language to another, so you could offer language translation services to clients.

Language translation is perhaps one of the largest consumer industries in the world. And it’s also super important for people to understand each other on a global stage.

Language translators earn up to $100 per hour to translate texts and movies, but ChatGPT could easily offer this service at a cut rate to make you money.

Number 4: Language learning

ChatGPT can also help users practice their language skills, so you could create a language learning app or website using ChatGPT’s natural language processing capabilities.

Number 5: Auto Tinder

Have you ever wished that you could automatically set up dates for yourself? Well, some people have been using ChatGPT to set up dozens of dates each month.

You could offer this service to singles in major cities and bring in a killing.

You know what, if you start doing this with ChatGPT, send us an email because we’ll sign up.

Go to the full page to view and submit the form.

Number 6: Social media management

ChatGPT could be used to generate social media posts and respond to comments, which could be sold as a social media management service.

Number 7: Writing assistance

ChatGPT could be used to help writers with their creative writing, academic writing, or other types of writing.

Now, ChatGPT is not great at writing interesting content. But it is good at outlining and coming up with decent ideas. If you can figure out a way to implement ChatGPT into your writing process, then you can streamline it by a factor of 2-5x. And as we all know… time = money.

Number 8: Product recommendations

ChatGPT can be trained to make product recommendations based on user preferences and behavior, which could be used in an e-commerce business.

There are a number of products out there that sell for 6 figures to large e-commerce businesses. Algolio and Constructor are two of them leveraging their own artificial intelligence software. But with ChatGPT, you could potentially have the power to do this yourself.

Number 9: Personal finance advice

ChatGPT could be used to help users manage their personal finances by offering financial advice, investment recommendations, or other financial services.

Well… this one is a bit tricky because you never want to blindly follow advice from an AI, but if you are clever then you can set up the AI to help you trade stocks. Alternatively, it could have a decent grasp on the business world itself seeing as it consumes information all day. So the stocks it recommends might be worth investing in.

Number 10: AI-powered research

ChatGPT can help users conduct research on a topic by generating summaries, answering questions, and providing insights, which could be sold as a research service.


One way to make a lot of money with chatgpt and AI is to get a job in the field! Check out this post where we discuss the career field of prompt engineering that pays up to 335k annually.


Well Listen, we had fun here today, and hopefully, you make a lot of money. Don’t get greedy now and ask for an 11th idea. You need to wait until the next blog post for that.

In the meantime, check out our other posts!!!

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