Despite all evidence citing that remote work improves quality of life plus efficiency, employers are all over LinkedIn calling for their employees to return to office. You might have seen one of the thousands of executives saying that remote work doesn’t work. For some reason, they can never seem to muster any actual logic that makes sense to return to office.

The truth is, these executives are inoculated from the consequences of working in office because they
- are rich
- can afford child care and personal chefs
- can afford cleaning people and nice homes
They also truly do not seem to care how inconvenienced or impacted you are by a return to office.
This probably leaves you asking the question, why do employers REALLY want you back in the office? Well, we came up with a list of 5 of the most likely reasons that employers actually want you back in the office. Look out below!!

1. To Make Sure You Can’t Interview for Better Jobs
Makes sense right? Your best chance to make a better living for yourself is to get a better job at a competitor or a different business. They already make it difficult enough by putting in non-compete agreements. By the way, the FTC is trying to ban these agreements because they are super restrictive and prevent you from getting a higher salary.
Now back to you trying to better your circumstances… The way you do this is by taking time out of your current job’s schedule to interview with new companies.

But you can’t really do that if your boss can look over your shoulder at all times. At best, you can sneak away for a “dentist appointment”, but your boss will likely know that you are trying to leave. Then they can search for a replacement and fire you before you have a chance to land on your feet.
2. Because They Don’t Trust You
Maybe your employer lied in the interview process about the salary and bonus. Maybe they mislead you about the financial health of the company, or worse. There are actually a number of lies that bosses usually tell you during the interview process.

Typically, your employer knows that you have the right to feel disgruntled since they immediately misled you. As a result, they probably don’t trust you.
“That’s not fair. “
No, it’s not fair, but employers don’t care about fairness.
We have already seen that they are willing to roll back child labor laws and increase the retirement age instead of simply paying people more.
3. To Push You Harder Without Paying You More
There are several ways to successfully get people to work. The most compelling is to incentivize them, which is the basis of capitalism. However, employers ironically try to use anything but incentives to get you working harder for them.
The reason for this? It’s free.
The problem is that it’s very very difficult to manipulate and coerce labor out of workers in a remote environment.
Employers want their managers to have employees in an environment where they can indoctrinate them with the corporate Kool-Aid. That way they can control employees’ thoughts, feeling, and output.

One way to push this to the extreme, which Elon Musk is doing, is to build a corporate town that employees live in. That way employers have full control of their employees’ every being.
4. To Micromanage You
Employers, believe it or not, actually do not understand the concept of object permanence. Much like dogs, if they can’t see you then they don’t understand that you are still working and still exist.

“Got Your Nose”, that’s something you should try playing with your boss tomorrow.
5. To Make Sure That You Don’t Have Time Or Money To Get Ahead
There’s a famous saying from employers, “The best employee is one who can’t afford to quit.”
The problem they have with remote work is that it gives you the opportunity to get ahead financially while improving your quality of life. This lessens your dependence on your employer and means that your employer does not control you as much as they like.

Without control, they can’t really force your to do crappy work without reward year after year.
On average, employees spend an average of 10 hours extra commuting into the office each week.
Additionally, employees who work remotely report better relationships with family and a greater sense of life satisfaction.
On average, employees working remotely save around $10,000 per year more than employees going into an office. This allows them to save for the future and get ahead in life.
These are all things that they don’t want.
If employers are willing to be this controlling and self centered, would you be surprised to learn that they often monitor and surveil their employees? It’s true, over 90% of companies use employee monitoring software (up 75% from covid). Go ahead google it to make sure that’s correct, I’ll wait. How do you protect your privacy in an environment like this? The answer is pretty simple, you get a vpn like nordvpn.
NordVPN is the top rated vpn on the market because its completely private, anonymous and risk free. Go ahead and get it through our special link for a discount.
Check out this Post for 5 additional malicious reasons that your boss wants you back in the office.
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