5 More Malicious Reasons Your Boss Wants You Back in the Office

# 1: Commercial Real Estate

If there’s one thing all companies have in common, it’s a deep investment in commercial real estate. Many of the executives at these companies also park their money in private real estate funds for the rich.

Commercial real estate is in trouble. Firms have spent Trillions of dollars building and managing these buildings, and they have heavily invested in funds that rely on employees commuting to work!

We have already seen investors race to pull their money out of private real estate funds such as Blackstone’s, and public REITs are bleeding money each and every day.

Top commercial real estate firms such as JLL, Cushman & Wakefield, and CBRE are taking cost-cutting measures to deal with the fallout.

Defaults on commercial real estate have reached a 14-year high, and ending remote work is an easy solution for many of these firms, and they will do whatever it takes to get people back into the office. Billions of dollars are on the line.

# 2: Tax Breaks!

Thanks to u/satansHRmanager for pointing this one out:

Major Metropolitan cities offer major tax breaks for corporations who have their employees commute into the office.

If you think about a major city like New York, commuters pay $2.50 to ride the subway there and back.

This brings in around $5.8 Billion dollars for the city every year.

In addition, studies have shown that employees spend on average $5,800 less while working in office only 3 days a week. This money typically goes toward restaurants and businesses near office parks. These businesses in return pay rent to the landlords who pay property tax. Naturally, governments provide massive incentives to businesses who can get their employees to commute in office.

# 3 Sexual Harrasment

It’s much harder to get sexually harassed by a creepy boss if you are working remotely.

Sexual harassment in the workplace is unfortunately a widespread issue that affects many people. According to a survey conducted by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), approximately one in four women experience sexual harassment in the workplace. This survey also found that men can also experience sexual harassment, but at a lower rate.

It’s important to note that sexual harassment can take many forms, including unwanted sexual advances, comments, gestures, or physical contact. It can happen to anyone, regardless of gender, race, age, or job title. It can also occur in any industry or profession.

While progress has been made in raising awareness about sexual harassment in the workplace and implementing policies to prevent it, there is still much work to be done to eliminate this problem completely. It’s essential for employers to take proactive measures to address sexual harassment in the workplace and create a safe and respectful work environment for all employees.

There are some prolifically malicious bosses out there, who with their sick and demented minds, are motivated to bring employees back for this reason.

# 4 To Feel Popular

Imagine that you are the coolest kid in school, and you actually pay all of them to be nice to you. You also control their healthcare, and they depend on your good graces for their livelihood.

That’s what it’s like to be the CEO. So, they love being in the office, where people say Yes to everything they ask.

Some bosses may prioritize being well-liked by their employees and may actively seek out opportunities to socialize or bond with them. Others may prioritize maintaining a more formal or professional relationship and may not prioritize being seen as popular.

Ultimately, whether or not a boss feels popular is not the most important factor in their role as a leader. A good boss should focus on creating a positive work environment, effectively managing their team, and achieving their organizational goals, rather than seeking popularity. However, some bosses do place a great deal of importance on popularity and social activities in the workplace, leading to another reason to issue return-to-office mandates.

#5 Because They Want People to Quit

Over the past two years, we have seen a common theme in return to office mandates.

They come right at the same time the company starts to struggle financially. It’s curious right?

Investors are pushing them to do layoffs and increase productivity.

They figure the easiest way to cull staff is by mandating that employees return to office so that people will voluntarily quit.

By doing this, they avoid paying out unemployment and severance, and they get rid of employees who they view as less loyal.

It’s disturbing what employers will do just to save a penny. If you agree with that, you should subscribe to our newsletter. We give you the facts and stories you need to get ahead in life.

And if you missed the original 5 malicious reasons that bosses want you back in the office: read here

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