How to Make Legit Money On Amazon Audible 101

We all know about Amazon the corporation. What you probably don’t know is that Amazon is responsible for making over 40,000 millionaires. This number comes from amazon affiliates, amazon fulfillment, and amazon audible.

That’s a lot of people making A Lot of Money!

If you’re looking to make money with Amazon Audible, there are a number of different ways you can do it. Whether you’re an author, a narrator, or just a savvy marketer, there are plenty of opportunities to earn money through Audible.

In this post, we’ll explore a few different ways you can make money with Amazon Audible, including:

Let’s dive in.

Publishing Audiobooks on Audible

One of the most popular ways to make money with Amazon Audible is by publishing your own audiobooks. If you’re an author, you can convert your written work into an audiobook format and publish it on Audible for listeners to purchase and download.

If you’re not already an author, don’t worry. It’s super easy to leverage ChatGPT to make money and create content these days. But you need to know how to use it effectively, otherwise, you’ll spin out random and boring content. It’s also super easy to tell derivative AI writing from an actual human with original thoughts (sorry chatgpt). So it will require you to put some manual labor into it.

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Continuing on…!

To get started, you’ll need to create an account on ACX, which is Amazon’s audiobook creation platform. From there, you can upload your book and start the production process. You’ll need to find a narrator (more on that in the next section) and work with them to record and produce your audiobook.

Once your audiobook is completed and approved by Audible, it will be available for purchase on the Audible platform. You’ll earn royalties based on the number of copies sold, with rates varying based on the length of your audiobook and whether or not you choose an exclusive distribution agreement with Audible.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when publishing audiobooks on Audible:

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Narrating Audiobooks for Audible

If you’re a voice actor or narrator, you can make money by narrating audiobooks for Audible. Similar to publishing audiobooks, you’ll need to create an account on ACX to get started.

Once you’ve signed up, you can browse available audiobook projects and audition for the ones that interest you. If an author or publisher likes your audition, they may hire you to narrate their audiobook.

As a narrator, you’ll earn a flat rate for your work rather than royalties based on sales. The rate varies depending on the length and complexity of the book, as well as your experience and reputation as a narrator.

Here are a few tips for narrating audiobooks for Audible:

Promoting Audible as an Affiliate Marketer

Another way to make money with Audible is by promoting the service as an affiliate marketer. As an affiliate, you’ll earn a commission for every person who signs up for Audible through your unique referral link.

To get started, you’ll need to sign up for the Audible affiliate program through the Amazon Associates platform. Once you’re approved, you’ll be given a referral link that you can share on your website, social media channels, and other platforms.

In this article, we are using our amazon associates link to make small commission on each person that signs up, which is one way you too could make money! Sign up by clicking on this banner:

When someone clicks on your link and signs up for Audible, you’ll earn a commission based on their membership plan. The commission rates vary depending on the plan, but can range from $5 to $15 per sign-up.

If you’re interested in promoting Audible as an affiliate marketer, there are a number of strategies you can use to attract new customers and earn commissions. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Be transparent with your audience about your affiliate relationship with Audible.

When promoting Audible as an affiliate marketer, it’s important to be transparent with your audience about your relationship with the company. Clearly disclose that you’re an affiliate and that you’ll earn a commission for any sign-ups through your referral link. This helps build trust with your audience and ensures that they understand the nature of your partnership with Audible.

Focus on promoting Audible to audiences who are likely to be interested in audiobooks.

To maximize your success as an Audible affiliate marketer, it’s important to focus your efforts on audiences who are likely to be interested in audiobooks. This might include readers, commuters, or people who are interested in self-improvement or learning. By targeting your promotions to these types of audiences, you’ll be more likely to attract new customers who are already inclined to sign up for Audible.

Use multiple channels to promote Audible.

When promoting Audible as an affiliate marketer, it’s important to use multiple channels to reach potential customers. This might include social media, email marketing, blog posts, and more. By using a variety of channels, you’ll be able to reach a larger audience and increase your chances of earning commissions.

Provide value to your audience with your promotions.

To make your promotions more effective, it’s important to provide value to your audience. This might include offering exclusive discounts or free trials for Audible, or providing helpful reviews and recommendations for audiobooks that your audience might be interested in. By providing value to your audience, you’ll be more likely to earn their trust and encourage them to sign up for Audible through your referral link.

Track your results and optimize your promotions.

Finally, it’s important to track your results and optimize your promotions to maximize your success as an Audible affiliate marketer. Use tools like Google Analytics or Amazon’s affiliate reporting tools to track your referral traffic and conversions. Use this data to make adjustments to your promotions, such as changing your messaging, adjusting your target audience, or experimenting with different channels. By constantly monitoring and optimizing your promotions, you’ll be able to increase your commissions and grow your business as an Audible affiliate marketer.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: What is Amazon Audible? A1: Amazon Audible is a platform that offers a wide range of audiobooks, podcasts, and original audio content. It allows users to listen to their favorite books and audio programs on various devices.

Q2: Can I make money with Amazon Audible? A2: Yes, you can earn money with Amazon Audible through their affiliate program and by creating and selling audiobooks on the platform.

Q3: How can I join the Amazon Audible affiliate program? A3: To join the Amazon Audible affiliate program, you need to sign up for the Amazon Associates program. Once you are an approved Amazon Associate, you can promote Audible and earn referral fees for every new Audible member you refer.

Q4: How do I promote Audible as an affiliate? A4: You can promote Audible by creating content such as blog posts, YouTube videos, or podcasts that review or recommend audiobooks or discuss the benefits of Audible. You can also place Audible affiliate links on your website or social media channels to drive traffic and generate referrals.

Q5: How much can I earn as an Amazon Audible affiliate? A5: As an Audible affiliate, you can earn a referral fee for every new Audible member you refer. The exact amount of the referral fee may vary depending on the country and the type of membership plan the user signs up for.

Q6: Can I create and sell my own audiobooks on Amazon Audible? A6: Yes, you can create and sell your own audiobooks on Amazon Audible through the ACX (Audiobook Creation Exchange) platform. ACX allows authors, publishers, and narrators to collaborate and produce audiobooks that can be distributed through Audible, Amazon, and iTunes.

Q7: How do I create and sell audiobooks on ACX? A7: To create and sell audiobooks on ACX, you need to sign up for an ACX account and upload your audiobook files. You can either narrate the book yourself or hire a professional narrator. Once the audiobook is complete, you can set the price and distribute it through Audible and other platforms.

Q8: How much can I earn by selling audiobooks on Amazon Audible? A8: The royalty rates for audiobooks on Amazon Audible depend on various factors, including the distribution model (exclusive or non-exclusive) and the sales price of your audiobook. Royalties can range from 25% to 40% of the audiobook’s list price.

Q9: Are there any guidelines or requirements for creating audiobooks on ACX? A9: Yes, ACX has specific guidelines for audio quality, narration, and technical specifications. It’s important to follow these guidelines to ensure your audiobook meets the required standards for distribution on Amazon Audible.

Q10: Can I use copyrighted material in my audiobooks on Amazon Audible? A10: No, you should not use copyrighted material in your audiobooks without proper authorization. Make sure you have the necessary rights and permissions for the content you include in your audiobooks to avoid copyright infringement issues.

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