Starbucks Billionaire Founder Spits Upon the ‘Billionaire’ Title Saying He Earned it


The average Starbucks worker makes around $14 per hour or 27k per year.

In one of the most expensive cities, New York, where Bloomberg just reported that a $100k salary in New York City feels like $36k. Imagine, how it feels with an actual salary of $36k.

Anyways, I digress.

Howard Schultz, who you can watch here, defends his money saying that he earned it all himself and deserves it. Frankly, he is afraid of the term, “Billionaire” because of its connotations of exploitation and unfairness.

While something can be said for his work ethic and job creation, he fails to understand how he has benefitted off the backs of his employees to make his billions.

Shultz mentions the American dream in his rebuttal. If you noticed his age, he grew up in a time when the American dream was largely achievable due to the success of world war 2 and a dominant America. After which time, it has become close to impossible for Americans to climb the economic ladder, even falling behind socialist countries like Norway.

Some refer to this as “climbing up and pulling the ladder up behind you.”

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